You can also read our guide to funding your business with accounts receivable financing to learn more about accounts receivable factoring services and our ability to get immediate cash. Accounts receivables factoring can help Accounting For Architects you grow your business by converting outstanding invoices into immediate working capital. While there are many benefits, you must also consider the costs and risks involved. In some ways, the factoring company acts as your accounts receivable back office.
We recommend that you review the privacy policy of the site you are entering. SoFi does not guarantee or endorse the products, information or recommendations provided in any third party website. This means it bridges a borrower’s working capital funding gap; it would usually be frowned upon (or even restricted) to use the proceeds to fund a dividend, for example. As you carefully allocate money toward expenses, you can also build relationships with clients and suppliers. Either way, you’ll need to provide the information above and the invoice amount you want to sell. However, there are some key differences between the two receivables financing methods that mean they offer unique pros and cons.
As a result, Company A receives a total of $9,200 ($8,000 + $1,200) from its receivables instead of the full invoice value of $10,000. Let’s assume you are Company A, which sends an invoice of $10,000 to a customer that is due in six months. You decide to factor this invoice through Mr. X, who offers an accounts receivable factoring advance rate of 80% and charges a 10% fee on the amount advanced.
The rest of the invoice amount (minus fees) is paid out after the customer pays the invoice. Factoring fees are calculated as a percentage of the invoice amount for every 30 days. unearned revenue For instance, if you factor $100,000 invoices with a 1% factoring rate per 30 days, Bankers Factoring would receive $1,000 in factoring fees, and you would receive $99,000 in funding. It is important to note that bank interest rates do not include credit insurance or credit protection, so it is not a direct comparison. We advance you 80 to 93% of your invoice value within days of sending your online funding application. Your business then receives fast funding that you receive on the same day of your account setup.
Basically, the factoring company provides immediate cash, based on a percentage of the invoice value, to the business and collects payment from the customer directly. Usually, a business sells goods and services to its customers either in cash or credit. You can read our article on what is factoring receivables with different factoring companies and how to choose the best finance company with the best practices. Factoring invoices only works when your customers pay their invoices on time and in full. Ensure you’re certain your customers will pay before contacting a factoring company.
This factoring receivables example demonstrates how a business can access immediate cash while outsourcing the collection process. For example, say you were advanced 90% of the value of your original invoice. You agreed to pay 2% per month and your customer took two months to pay, making your fees 4% of the value of the invoice.